Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mothers are forever..

Are they forever? Cause that would be a scientific miracle.


You've got red on you.

Protest Flab

Barack Obama = Change.

Hi Y'all


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Did anyone tell you today?

This is probably my favorite mug to date. It says "I appreciate you."

The Queen of my Heart

fill it with hot coffee and then throw it in his face.

Things happen for a reason...

I do believe.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I actually saw this mug in person this week, highlight of my Sunday. That's either really sad, or really awesome.

I've Got the Hots for You.

Now I will proceed to punch you in the face.


it's true. I do.

Calling in Dead!

hahahahahahahah. not funny.

Friday, April 3, 2009

You are someone special.

I wish someone would give me this mug so I could have reason to murder them.

Hope for the Best...But Expect the Wurst.

This is absolutely amazing. Dancing bratwurts. Can't get any better than that!

Mr. T

Salad Bowl.

Coffee Flow Chart

Criminal Investigator

This is dirty.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Patient Person

Todays I aint.

Dinosaur Land

"But Uncle Martin, you said tomorrow we could go to Dinosaur Land!"

Is forever on the hips.

This mug is a jerk.

Don't let the boys look up your dress...

And this is why I don't wear underwear.

Being a father is aard vark.

It's a stretch but it works.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Piano Keymug

Spin off from the piano key tie. Probably not as effective.

Choose your friends wisely.

Tip of the hat to one of the best pranks ever.

Happy April

April is National Cable Month!

Just Passing Through

This duck is totally crop dusting.


After looking up current events during the year of 1986. I stumbled apon this little gem of a fact. On June 23, 1986, when I was four, a Mr. Eric Thomas developed a little thing called LISTSERV. And little did I know that 22 years down the road it would be my demise.

Gal of Distinction

It's Janet- Miss Jackson if you're nasty.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Udder Cool

Get me some beef brisket and a fork.


Please don't bite me Mr. Oates.

I Love Michael Jackson.

Doesn't everyone....

My Favorite Animal

In case you didn't know.

Monday, March 30, 2009

You're lookin' at my gut aren't you!?

bread dough.


forgive me for I am terrific at all things therefore I need to have a mug to tell me I am a Master.

Watched Mr. Mom again this week starring the lovable Michael Keaton. This didn't happen in the movie.

Fire Thunder

Fire Thunder. Rock.


Genuine Piece of Crap.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Treat yourself to something special.

that's what she said.

Peter Puck

You tried so hard. God Bless You!

Morris on Tour

How did I miss this? I demand a reunion tour.

It's fun to be a friend!



One from the personal collection....
Good god! A friend, a smile AND a rainbow all in head is exploding.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Believe in the Magic of your Dreams

Your magic is real.

Senior American Optimist someone who marries at 85.
Another passive aggressive mug my mother would give me with possibly a bag of jelly beans inside of it. And then hand me a package with two steaks inside of it and she would say something like "Invite someone over to for dinner." or "Don't eat them both at once." (both true stories).

Souper Grandpa

What? Souper Grandpas? disgusting.

Some Bunny Loves You...

Gross! Is that bunny m-ing to the one?

Swiner Things

"The swiner things keep shining through..the way my soul gets lost in you."
-the ever amazing Mr. Steve Winwood

Mr. Right

Meet the mug my passive aggressive mother would give me and say, "I heard your nice looking cousin got a divorce recently."